Friday, January 1, 2010


Everything in the end will be fine.

I was reminded of this magic word.
A very touching word that's a part of me.
I had forgotten it for a while and now it's back.

It's a new year for me.
I survived 2009 without taking my life--suicide!
I encountered a lot of difficulties and I did not remember.
I forgot. God is there all along.
Everything in the end will be fine.
Though things work out not as I expect it to be, I must accept.
It's really hard but nyah, let's live.
After all, if we live life to the fullest, looking forward to tomorrow and have God in our lives, things will work out.
Just wait patiently.

Live for tomorrow and also for today and don't forget to smile.

author's note:
this is my first time to use my own picture.
nice shot. :]]

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