Friday, January 1, 2010

Not Another Work

"Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life."

I made this blog for you.
But as time passes by, I have to change.
Although, this one is still new, I have to make some changes.
This one's for you. Before. But now, it's for me.
Some posts maybe for you but I'm trying harder not to.

I made three blogs before these but I stopped using them.
I want this to be my final one.

Anyways, work!
I won't put myself to make this a "work" all over again.
Before, on my blogs, I used to write every day and every thing that goes on my mind.
I started to think much about it on what I will write.
It became a work because I started doing this-and-that for everyone.
To please them.
After few months, I became tired and I ended them.

Writing is one of my passion.
A hobby.
A part of my life.
I can't take it out of me even if I tried for so many times.
I just want to express myself.

So as the new year starts, my life starts to change too.
This blog, being a part of my life, has to change too.
I don't want to write as a job but I want to write to relax. :]]

Funny Things.
Sad Moments.

I'll live and write.
This one's not going to be a "work".

"I never worked a day in my life. It's not work when you love what you're doing."
-David Shakarian

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