Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Completely Insensitive

"I am everything you want; I am everything you need; I am everything inside of you that you wish you could be. I say all the right things, at exactly the right time, but I mean nothing to you and I don't know why?"

ren't you sensitive enough?
I've got so many things to say to you.
But instead of saying those words, I just write it here.
I'm too afraid to know the answers.
I want to know but I can't.

First. Why can't you see me?
I'm always here for you.
Ever since you love me, I'm here.
When you stopped, I'm still here.
It just hurts when you always tell me to be contented.
But, I can't show you that I'm not because you'll leave me again.
If that happens, it'll be more painful.

Then. Why is it that you say that some girls from this generation don't like you?
That you are an old school.
That you'll be in the provinces to find someone who'll be there for you.
I know it's just a joke from you.
I know you think I'm really serious.
And this time, I am very serious.
Are you this "insensitive" to not see me?
Are you really like that?

It just hurts that you don't care at all.
I mean, you care somehow but you just think like that.
Am I really the last girl you'll think about?

It just upsets me.
I thought everything is fine already.
But, no, you just really don't see me.
It makes me think that I really mean nothing to you.
Is what I'm thinking right?

*a lot of sighs*

-_- T.T :'(

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