Saturday, January 16, 2010

She Reviews. She Remembers. She says...

Marley and Me.
A dog named Marley.
A dog that is a Labrador in breed. Haha.
A dog that reminds me of so many memories. Haha.
Well, it was a cool movie to watch with the people I love.

It was touching too because you waited for me.
I don't know why you waited.
Maybe it's just because you care.
However, Nanette Jan, don't expect anything.

Thanks for waiting.
Thanks for always sending me home.

Anyways, I wanted to treat you today.
I saved my money from this week.
It was the first time I saved my money for someone I love.
But, hmm, it's too much to ask your time.
I'm sorry.
Did I abuse your time too much?

While we were on the jeepney, I was looking at you.
You were sleeping.
I don't know if you knew that I was looking at you. :P
I prayed silently.
I asked God to make you better.
I asked God to make you think wisely and to give you focus.
It was not my first time to do that.
I always do that every time we were together.
I quietly looks at you and prays for you.

I've said a lot of "sorry" today.
Because I am sorry.

I miss you.
I miss you more when we were together.
Because it seems that you were really not there.
I love you.
I always love you.

God Bless you wherever you are.

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