Thursday, January 14, 2010

Forgotten Date

January 14.
Supposed to be five months. -_-
Well, I'm in school again.
And, we were together before I write this.

First, let me talk about what we did and how he bid me goodbye.
Hmm, I saw him here in Cyber Siena when I arrived at school.
But I ran as fast as I can so that he won't see me.
I was hiding from him. I don't know why I acted like that. X

Then, I went to ADSAA office--their office as Student Council.
I hid when he was there but of course he noticed me.
I ate my lunch there.
We were alone together on the table.
We talked not too much because he has a class at 1pm.--the minutes ago.

This is how he bid goodbye.
I was standing at the door waiting for him to leave.
He patted my head.
I looked at him in his eyes and he looked at me too.
Then, I patted him on his back.
And he went out.

Smile or not?
Nyah. I don't know.
He may have been forgotten the date today.
This does not mean anything to him now.
And, I'm the only one who remembers this day. X
I just hope before we really part tonight--as we go home, he'll remeber.
But what's the sense of it when it's over.
Haha. I'm still hoping he''ll come back.
I won't close my heart.
I'm staying and I'll wait.

I just hope he'll see me.
I just hope he'll realize.
I just pray that God moves.


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