Monday, January 25, 2010


Dear "YOU",

I've been so confused these days about you.

I've cried at night since Thursday.
I thought you are about to leave me.
I don't know.
It somehow saddened me up.

This morning, when I woke up, I saw a message from you.
It was sent 30 minutes before I woke up.
You greeted me "Good Morning" in a different language.
I remembered that two weeks ago, you greeted me too.

Last night, I tried to call you up just to say Good Night.
You did not answer your phone.
I closed my eyes and drifted to my dreams.
But today, an hour ago, you called me up.

Thank you.

I heard that from you.
Thank you.
It was nice to hear you serious tone.
It somehow a bit silenced me.
I'm surprised that you are doing these things. :]]

God Bless you wherever you are.
Thank you too.
I love you.
I miss you.

I haven't seen you for

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