Thursday, December 31, 2009

Open Letter

Dear "You",

I was losing my hope when you talked to me.
It was nice.
You've realized it after a while.
I see now.
You've changed. Really!
I'm happy for you.
I'm really happy even if it'll take a big part in me.
I mean, even if it causes sadness in me. A bit.
I guess this is what love really means.
Deciding for what's good for you.
I now understand.
I hope you'll continually change and be better.
We will have separate lives from now on.
It's sad but nyah I must accept.

I'm sorry if I'm acting so badly.

Tonight before this year ends, I cry.
I'll try to make it the last time but I can't promise.
And when I cry, I'll have this smile in my lips.
The smile I had during that morning in St. Thomas.

And I'll never see those days again.
But that's just how it goes, people change.
But I know, I wont forget you.

For God's part, I'll make Him do His part.
Most of the times it's hard to understand but I'll try.
Trust in Him always.

I thank you for every memories we've shared.
I believe that you loved me even just a bit.
The answer I've been waiting for the question if you really love me has been answered.
I know you loved me because you said sorry.
Thanks. God Bless.

I hope you'll find me here.
Please do find me. Look for me. This one's for you. Read this words.

Thanks for saying this words:
I'm sorry for being a jerk to you..
I mean
Not thinking well for my actions.
I'm sorry if I'd took you for granted at some point..
I realized na sarili ko lang ang inisip ko.

Love lots and always,
Nanette Jan

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