Sunday, January 3, 2010

Time in Serenity.

Much Better.
I feel good.
Thanks to God and for my friends. --especially Mia.

I've lost the words I ought to write.
But as a solution, maybe I'll better leave some new words of mine. :]]

I can't forget you.
I guess I'll just have to stick with this memories.
It does hurt most of teh times.
But I know I'm already fine.
I'll live.

God loves me.
Maybe, NO, really It's not yet the right time.

Speaking of time, I've used it a lot in a nice way.
  • I met new people.
  • I saw the old friend of mine.
  • I hang-out with Miatot--another new movie trip.
  • I went to church--which is what I really love. :]]
  • I slept in the afternoon. :]]
  • I ate chocolates!!
  • I look great.
  • I smell good.
  • I saw Ching and Patrick's smiles.--cool babies :]]
I kept myself too busy today that I almost forgot you.
But, still, there are places that reminds me of you.
Places I've been to, today.
Nyah. I must be happy.

God is there.
He's always there and He'll provide me a better one.
I just have to be patient and keep on trusting Him.
It'll come soon.
At the right and perfect time.
In His Own Time!


Love it.
Today was great.

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