Tuesday, March 23, 2010

try to forget

Forgetting things? I’m good at it. Since I was a kid, my mom used to scold me all the time because I’m careless. I lost a lot of pencils, pens, notebooks, test papers and many school things. I also lost my bag in a store during grade school. I just remembered that I left it when I arrived at home. I cried and cried and luckily, my bag was still in the store when I got back.

I forgot my recognition day too. I was supposed to go to the stage and have my First Honor Award but I forgot it. I forgot the date and time. -_-

Now I’m in college and I still forget things. Just this morning, I forgot to go to the Gym for clearance signing. I forgot the rubber shoes I was about to lend to my friend. I forgot to print my homeworks. I forgot to forget love and I forgot to live and be happy.

There are really a lot of things I forget but why is it that the most hurtful ones aren’t the one that I’m forgetting? Why is it that those were the ones that stays on my mind? I wish I could forget how it is to love or to feel the pain.

I wish I could forget that I love him so that I can hate him. But it’s not like that. I love him to the point that even if he’s doing things to make me stay away from him. I wish I could stay but he does not want me. I love him even if I’m not the one whose in his heart.

Well, enough with love and him. See? I don’t forget it. I wish I could forget and just remember the things I should. :]]

click photo for source.

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