Tuesday, March 23, 2010


What road am I taking? I've turned left and right and now I am walking towards a straight path. I've been in dark roads but I found the light and I'm following it. The roads I took are rocky. Some are muddy. Some are smooth. I've traveled while raining. I've traveled also with the sun. I was on my journey with people. But now, I'm alone still traveling. I've took pictures with my journey. I stopped most of the times and thought that I should stop my journey. God is with me during this journey that's why I still continue. And now, I'm not yet halfway but I believe I will still encounter so many things. My map? It's God. I just go where He leads me. I have to know which is the right path but sometimes we really took wrong paths but there's always another way we can take to go on. Just believe and be strong. ;]]

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