Tuesday, March 23, 2010

hush now

Yesterday, I was assigned to make Ching (popo) go to bed. It's so hard to make her go to bed because she's superactive. I tried to bribe her by saying, "If you will sleep, I'll buy you softdrinks, candy or anything you want. Just go to sleep." I just wish she could go to sleep because I'm super tired. I just arrived home with tears in my eyes and holes in my heart and it's really hard to amke her go to sleep. I almost lost my temper but Haha! I won. I made her go to sleep by frightening her about the guard of our subdivison getting her. Haha. Lol.

When she was asleep, I too took my nap. After that, I also wrote this--the same with Mind Bugging. :]]

click the photo for source.

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