Saturday, March 13, 2010


(my miss those days..haha)

Tomorrow is the 14th of March. While I was on the jeepney, I thought about it. I can't bring yesterday but tomorrow is the day when I will remember all those memories again.

I don't want to be sad. I hope I will not be sad. I wish. I pray. I just want to live again. I don't want to lose as many friends as I can.

I have change a lot since the 26th of October. And now, it's the 13th of March. Days passed by so quickly. I wasted a lot of my time crying and wishing for things to be the same again. But it can't be. There is still hope in my heart telling me that maybe tomorrow he'll be back. Everyday, that thought keeps on bugging me but not all the time. Well, that's what i think. :P

Well, I hope I can face tomorrow clearly. It's not his day anyway, it's God's day and everyday is God's day. I was not born to be happy by myself but to bring and do what God wants me to do. I just wish I can do those things. I need intention.