Friday, December 25, 2009

Is it appropriate to call this a song?

Are We We Are?
by: Jan

Yesterday was fine.
I met you up to watch a movie in my house.
I felt great.
We were together, hand in hand, without "them" noticing.
I'm happy we were together before Christmas.
Are you happy too?

It seems like we were like we were before.
But we are not.
No we are not.
Because you don't want to.

It's frustrating when you said these words.
"It's hard to be happy if you're craving for many things or something else.
Learn to appreciate what you have and be happy with it.

Ohhh, Contentment?
Do you mean we can be like this until everything fades away?
Do you think my love for you will fade away?
You don't know anything.

It seems like we were like we were before.
But we are not.
No we are not.
Because you don't want to.

Ahh, I'm a fool.
I can't keep myself away from you.
I'd better die.

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