Monday, December 14, 2009

at this moment..

Right now, I miss you.
I really miss you. I can't hold back my feelings because today is 14.
Do you remember that cold 14 night?
Will you remember it?

I can't fight this emotion anymore.
I really miss you.
But you will never know.

All that you know is that I'm starting to move on with my life.
But I'm really not.
It's just for my friends.
They miss the old me and not the "me" I created after you left.
I act like I'm really happy because I don't want them to leave.
But deep inside, I'm crying. I'm sad. It's painful.

Deep inside, I really want to be with you.

I'm still hoping.
There's still a little voice behind every thing that tells me, "There's still hope."

Though, what you had done was really painful, I still love you.
I can't turn back the time anymore.
But even if it hurts a lot, I still can't hate you.
I'm still stuck here, hoping.

I miss you.
I love you.
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry if I can't stop myself from this sadness.
I know that you want me to be happy but I can't.
I'm trying but after a while all my efforts are being destroyed.

Please do find me.
Read these words.

I still hope you'll come back.
It's really painful.
But I'll endure it and still believe.
I will still wait.

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