Thursday, December 31, 2009

Stand Up!

I'm not regretting what I had written last night.
Not yet.

But I must stand up with my decision.

It will make me better.
Though the steps I should take are too hard, I must do it.
Wahh! I just don't know what to do.

Hey! You!
Are you reading this?
Did you find me already?

I love you.
I believe you are a good person even if ...
I love you.
I hoped that you'll change but you did not.
And still, right now, I'm hoping.
But it seems like I'm the one making you bad.
I don't want that to happen.
Did you love me?
Before, I believe you did but now?
I'm confused because of the actions you're doing.
Did you really love me?
It seems that the answer is no because you're making me feel that you just need me for a reason.
It's not love for me for love is what I do and not what you do.

I'm really confused. Hay!!

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