Sunday, February 28, 2010

Wish You Knew

There's a surreal sadness today.
I guess it will stay for a very long time.
I can't get over it. X|
Yeah. It's the same problem.

I know I have to say goodbye.
I know that I'm too much for you.
It hurts badly.
I'm giving you your rights.
Haha. There are hot fluids running down my eyes. :P

Yesterday, I had left you.
I can't take it anymore.
It hurts.
I felt sorry for leaving you since it's the last time I'll see you.
But it's what I feel.
It hurts badly that I can't take it anymore but to run away from you. X|

I don't know if I can really avoid you.
This afternoon in school, I tried to find you.
See? I can't really avoid you.
But don't worry, I'll try my best so that our souls can't meet again.

It's killing me.
Self-destruction. X|
Can't help it.
I'm looking for God but it seems that I can't find Him. X|
I know He's with me in everything.
But I just really don't know myself. X|

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