Tuesday, February 9, 2010


I wrote this during my English class. I haven't slept yet.:
I stood there. I was hugged tightly by you. Nothing matters when you did that. I felt the time stopped. So that's how it feels?

I felt secured when you walked with me. I'm really afraid of the dogs. But what kept me from sleeping is that I kept on thinking about what we had talked last night.

You told me that you are stuck from the past. Your past. The one you really love. I wish it was me but hmm I wasn't. I don't know if I could ever be but I still hope. Anyway, as I was writing, you are stuck from the past. The man stuck. Maybe, I too would be the same. The girl stuck from you.

You told me that somehow, I still have a place in your life but it is not clear. You said that you somehow love me. You said you cares for me. You said that we would not be close like this even if you broke up with me if you still love me. You asked me if we could be friends or if I want distance.

I answered no because I can't degrade myself from being a girl you love to just a friend. I told you that I don't want distance because it'll just hurt more. I said I wish I could be more beautiful and you said that it is not in the looks.

I saw something and it's what gave way to our talk last night. I became upset when I knew that you wanted to kiss someone and that you said to that someone that you don't have a beloved and you are not with her. I just suddenly broke my happiness.

I guess I'll always stay like this. Well, I have no rights to complain because it's what I have chosen. I chose to stay even if it hurts a lot. I chose to wait and hope because I'm holding on to that little place of mine in your life. I pray it will not fade away. I hope that somehow, someday you'll realize.

I really love you and I'm sorry for those things I'm doing. I just will keep on hoping like you do to that past love of yours. We are just in the same situation so I don't know what to do. I'll just wait. X|

-February 09, 2010, 7:30am

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