Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Hey Drew. :'(

I saw your page today because my mom asked me if you have a problem.
I read what you had written and it's something serious.
I cried while reading your post.
It has nothing to do with me but I felt your sadness.
Sadness because that's what i think as the appropriate word.

I wanted to do something but I think I have no rights.
I wanted to help you.
I wanted to be with you so that I may comfort you.
I wanted to but all I can do is to sit and cry here.

I'm crying because I know that you are already tired from everything.
I'm crying because I know you won't cry.
I'm crying because I felt that you are helpless in the situation.
I'm crying because I wanted to at least share the pain you have but it's useless.
I'm crying even if it's nothing to do for me because I really wish I could do something.

I wish this cry can take away all of your pain, though, it's impossible.
I wish God will remove your pain.

Hey. Drew. I wanted to help you.
I wish I could.
I wanted to give my time to you but what could I do.
I really wish you will feel better.

Drew. I'll always be here. Basta if you need me, dito lang ako. If you need someone to talk to, someone whom you can release everything, I'm here. I wanted to comfort you but I don't know how. I WISH I could help you somehow. Anyway, the greatest thing I could do for now is to pray for you to be all right. :(

I can't stop crying. :'(

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