Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Today is 25

Well, today is a very special day for me. A very, very special, sweet day ruined by a rat. I'm celebrating my two years stay in church. :]] Here's a bit history why I really love May 25. :]]

May 25, 2008
  • It's a clear Sunday that morning. I went to church after a long time of rebellion and God had found me. :]] Also, I happened to "have seen" God's gift. *^^* Lastly, I remember buying a big plastic of M&Ms that afternoon. I ate it all and it made me happy. Ooops, I also went to a birthday celebration that night and I was wearing brown polo. :]]
May 25, 2009
  • A hot Monday that reminds me of my first year in Church. :]] It's also Karasuma's birthday. I, too, enrolled that day to my new school. Lastly, it happened to be the 100th episode of Grey's Anatomy--which I really love. It was supposed to be Grey's and Shepherd's wedding but they gave it to Izzie who was about to die.
May 25, 2010
  • A clear Tuesday that was ruined by a rat. It's my 2nd year in Church and also Karasuma's birthday. About the rat thing, well I hate rats and I saw one outside today. Argh, I ran and screamed. My two young cousins laughed at me and made a joke. Haha. :]] Also, it's also the birth of my Tuesday's with Jan.
Right now, I feel so blessed. :]]
I own this picture.

Intro in 25

Now, now, I happened to have opened a tumblr account which gave me less time writing here. With that, I've come to decide that this page of mine will be opened only every Tuesday with stories of things I never knew I had or things I wanted to share. :]] God Bless
I own this picture.